2009 & 2011 EMHL CHAMPIONS

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Winter's Whalers New Threads Prove to be the Difference Maker

Visualeyes Loses 7-4 to The Whale

The long time rivals met for the third time of the 2012-2013 season Wednesday night, and Winter's Whalers skated away with their second victory, 7-4, with an empty net goal against Visualeyes at the Buffalo State Arena. 

As expected, Visualeyes fell behind the Whale early. Winter's Whalers unveiled their new green sweaters Wednesday night and came out flying, taking a quick 2-0 lead. Still hot from last game, Matthew "Marvin" Mesi cut the Whale's lead in half however, when line-mates Garren Reisweber and Max Bonito stellar puck movement on a 3 on 2 found Mesi open for the first Team V tally. The Whaler's number one pest, Bryan Carroll increased their first period lead by two when he netted his first goal on the season on a loose rebound to the left of Visualeyes goaltender, Robert Tates. 

Visualeyes knew if they upped the tempo of play in the second period, the Whalers would not be able to stay the course. That was the case as Team V drew two quick penalties, burying on both opportunities. Mesi tallied his second of the night from Robert Simpson and gave Visualeyes their first and only lead of the night 4-3 with four minutes remaining in the second period.

After their second period outburst, Visualeyes never got back into the same groove, giving up three goals, returning to their early season third period woes. Winter's Whalers put the icing on the cake with 1:21 remaining in the game as Ryan Thuman netted his second goal of the night with an empty net goal. After the loss, Mesi added these words of wisdom to the media, "Every cloud as a silver lining."

For the first time ever, the Tioga Terror was blanked on the score-sheet  Dustpan Dunnigan had this to say about his play against the Whalers. "Our team doesn't point fingers, except for Bob, but if our guys pointed them at my line tonight, I wouldn't be surprised or even mad. We reviewed the game film for hours Wednesday night and are confident that we will rebound Sunday night."

Rob Tates played an outstanding game for Team V, stopping 33 of 39 shots, and several scouts watching the contest, questioned Leberer's decision of having him back-up starting net-minder, Matt Baudo. "I have faith in all of our goaltenders, whether it be Matty, Tates, or Adam Roma. Each have proven themselves in the past, and that is why they are a part of this winning organization. Sure, Matty has had a few rough patches this season, but we sure as hell have not given him grade A defensive play to work with either. I know he's been thinking about it and that is why I gave him some time off, sent him down to Orlando to gear up  and get ready for the final stretch of our Cup run." said Leberer.


-Visualeyes will meet the Peace Frogs on Sunday, January 27th at 8:50pm. Great seats are still available.

-Defenceman Matt English is listed as day to day as he was sidelined from Wednesdays game versus the Whalers with the Bob Carroll flu.